For my fellow heretics, welcome. You’ve found your new home.

For those who are curious about the ideas of personal liberty, challenging the status quo, and living an intentional life in an unconventional way, you too are in the right spot!

I believe in radical freedom.

The kind of freedom that makes most people uncomfortable because it stands in direct contrast to everything they’ve had drilled into every fiber of their being since they were very young.

I have spent most of life in pursuit of it. Pursuit of freedom of mind, body, and spirit, as well as an understanding as to why the idea of freedom has been so viciously persecuted throughout the millennia.

But it’s not enough to believe in freedom, you have to live it. This blog is my story with that journey—the practical application of an ideal—which can hopefully serve as encouragement for fellow travelers, or a blueprint for those just starting who wish to rid themselves of the shackles that the power structures of society place around us from birth.

And humor. Always humor along the way.

For a more expanded explanation on what John the Baptist Kills Sacred Cows means, why I chose it and the mission statement behind it:

What is, "John the Baptist Kills Sacred Cows?"

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Contact Daniel for more info or inquires.

Contact Daniel for more info or inquires.


Daniel is an active real estate investor and economics nerd. He talks about coffee. A lot. He grew up in Iowa and is to this day still reconciling his down-home country roots (which he loves), with his life of green juice, yoga and sparkles in Southern California. He lives in Los Angeles with a diverse group of very smart very weird friends, where he reads a lot of books and is nauseatingly obsessed with his wife Aziza and daughter Dahlia.